Sunday, August 12, 2018

Life I love you

The skillfully crafted nest
And the bed of leaves..

The incredibly delicate new borns..
And the tender loving care of the mother..

These parallel life systems are all intricately woven with ours.

Life I love you..

#home #birdsnest #newborn #motherhood

Friday, August 10, 2018

Mysterious, Yet revealing

Hidden flowering gems ..
Amid the Labyrinth of branches..

Whats not to explore in this mysterious ..yet revealing magnificence of creation
May we persevere 
May the secret within be revealed

Find your rhythm

The sun-kissed petals dance in the morning breeze..
In rhythm to the humming of the honey dripping bees..
What an orchestration of divinity

May we find our rhythm. 
Amid the chaos of existence

The Backdrop

"I chose not" said the flower, - a backdrop to enhance my beauty..
Nature bestowed it on me..

Such is our creator..
Bestowing supporting  backdrops of loving friends and family..
Who help showcase our inner beauty..

Have a beautiful morning!

Nibble on Life

A nibble here and there
Is all I ask for..says the squirrel..

Lets nibble on life's abundant gifts..
Lets throw up our hands and breathe with joy..

Life is beautiful

Formations in Red

The formation in Red stares back at me..
Proudly preening at the attention it rightfully deserves..
Nature's formations delight and surprise me everyday..
Revealing the infinite possibilities..
A thought to stay with today?

A Leaf out of Nature's Book

Rain drenched I am.. 
Feeling new.. as they say..A new leaf
I wait for the sun to dry me..

Then I shall prepare for a busy day ahead..
Making food for my flowers.. oh how I take pride in them..

They will fall in a day or two..
Making way for the new buds..
Oh I am getting misty ..
Must be the moisture in the air today..

Good morning!

Nature's vanity

Oh rain your puddles do create
Mirrors for me to reflect on & appreciate
My freshly washed countenance

Oh wind do abate
Hush now, so the ripples on my mirror cease
You are pushy this morning, I do berate

Let me reflect my true self
On the mirror lined pathways of life
Let me be.. just be..


The brilliance, that we call " MORNING", Is the creator's infusion of energy ... And the delighted response of his...